Security guard wounded during attempted armed robbery at Texas Card House Spring near Houston

Haley Hintze
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Posted on: July 21, 2023 12:42 am EDT

A security guard working the overnight shift at Texas Card House Soring, north of Houston,, was hospitalized with seven bullet wounds after successfully defending the club, the employees and players who were inside from an attempted armed robbery Thursday morning.

According to local news outlets who spoke with Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzales about the incident, deputies responded to a report of gunfire at the Spring, Texas room at about 6:00 am on Thursday. The club is located in the suburbs several miles north of Houston itself.

When the deputies arrived, they found the wounded security guard, known as Officer Jackson. Jackson had been attacked from behind by multiple assailants, was shot at, and after responding himself with gunfire, forced the assailants to flee. Witnesses reported that dozens of gunshots were exchanged.

Fortunately, none of the seven bullet wounds Officer Jackson suffered were deemed to be life-threatening, and he was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment. It was unknown if any of Jackson’s return fire hit any of the armed robbers, none of whom have been identified as of yet.

Sheriff Gonzales’s office posted some information about the failed robbery on social media:

Gonzales’s office has obtained some surveillance video of the foiled robbery attempt, though it has yet to release a detailed description or photographs of the assailants. None of the other employees or patrons of Texas Card House Spring were injured in the attack, and several credited Jackson for being a hero in fighting back against the armed robbers.

Featured image source: Texas Card House Spring